Board Meeting Minuets 8/8/2015

Tri City Adult Hockey League
Meeting Minuets
August 8, 2015
I. Call to order
Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the TCAHL at 7:30 on August 19, 2015 at Fanatics Sports Bar.
II. Roll call
Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Jared Roth, Bryan Fast, Jake Strawhecker, Dave Weiler, Randie May, Jeff Baughman
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Jeff Baughman read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read. Approved: Majority
IV. Treasures Report
V. Board approved budget.
VI. Open Issues
a) Board Organization
b) The main goal is to keep on track and not to get too wrapped up in titles.
c) Will secretary continue to run meetings to keep us moving forward in meetings?
d) Set a meeting start time and end time to keep our agenda in perspective.
e) If an item is pressing and needs decided a.s.a.p. it will be addressed right away.
f) Board members have been responding to email that entailed their duties.
g) The worry is that board members will overstep their duties.
h) Motion: The secretary will organize board meeting that includes meeting agenda and meeting continuity and we will not add any new titles. Passed: 6-1
i) Goalie Rotation
j) Goalies will be assigned games if they cant make it we will go through the rest of the goalies and if no one can play, BJ will take teir spot if it is not his drafted team.
k) Goalies will be able to switch games amongst themselves
l) BJ will have a goalie schedule out at the beginning of the season for the whole season.
m) Goalie will play each other the same amount of times
n) Reps will flip a coin prior to the game to select goalies.
o) Bylaw Ratification
p) Bylaw ratified: Passed 7-0
q) Add League Philosophy.
r) Add to the bylaws, a score rubric of rep evaluation
s) This is so reps will know what “score” they need to get to get the corresponding amount.
t) 4-6-$0
u) 7-9-$25
v) 10-12-$50
w) 13-15-$75
x) 16-20-$100
y) Diana Cook Trophy Update
z) Randie will get a synopsis for Diana for our website
aa) With the funds we got from her we make a learn to skate scholarship.
bb) Scholarship will be 1 session per year?
cc) BJ will get information from Matt Nickerson about how learn to skate is being run.
dd) Schedule Update
ee) August 28th ice will be available
ff) We will schedule for 7 teams.
gg) We are working on getting back to 30 mins in between games
hh) BJ will talk to arena about the ref room becoming a womens dressing room.
VII. New business
a) Drop In Discussion
b) Dave will run them
c) We will try to do a couple a week.
d) Dave will email league members to let them know when they are
e) They will begin 8/30 9/2 9/9 9/13 9/20 9/23
f) Registration Update
g) 49 are registered, we are ahead of schedule
h) Re-level Registered players
i) Board members will look over list and highlight questions
j) Jake Geist Rep Compensation Complaint
k) The board has decided to stay with the originally decided amount.
l) Jake Geist will not rep a tem this year.
m) We will ask Cole Leach if he has a preferred person to rep his sponsored team (Homeward Trail)
n) He has asked Dave to rep for Homeward Trail.
o) Merchandise Update
p) Tasha Aschwege will offer team embroidered hats, with the TCAHL logo.
q) Board group email
r) will be the board contact email address.
s) VEC Team
t) The VEC would like to have a full sponsored team, with select players.
u) Next Meeting set
v) Sunday August 30th at 5:00 at Fanatics.
w) Duties
x) Board members are asked to not cross out of their board assigned duties.
y) Draft door prizes
z) Thunderhead will donate
aa) VEC will donate
VIII. Adjournment
Jeff Baughman adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Jeff Baughman
Minutes approved by: Jared Roth